7th to 11th october 2019 Romania
We were welcomed by the school headmaster and by teacher Mihaela who gave a presentation of the school “Scoala Gimnazialã “Alexandru Stefulescu” Tg-Jiu”.
The Romanian students performed for us all at the school gym (dance, singing, gymnastics and music)
We participated in “creative" workshops, writing the “fairy tales” where we wrote our part of the fairy tale according to the given guidelines. After that, the students made the drawing scenes of the fairy tale for the proposed calendar for the presentation of the story using the technique presented in Germany.
We visited some touristic spots in the region: ”Pestera Muieirii” caves, “Ocnele Mari” salt mines and the Huezi Monastery.
We participated in a whorkshop building the marionettes and prepared the dramatization of the fairytale “the little bag with two coins”;
After that,we participated in a creative workshop. Finally, we had another workshop making origami figures from “The legend the rose” and dramatized the fairy tale.
We visited the “Alexandru Stefulescu” Country Museum in Tg-Jiu.
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